The Pseudoscorpion Cytogenetic Database
Current version: 10.6 (Jan 27 2023)
František Šťáhlavský
Cheliferidae Risso, 1826
Cited as = species name adopted by the researcher that performed the cytogenetic analysis; 2n = diploid number of males and in parenthesis, diploid number of females; M = metacentric; SM = submetacentric; ST = subtelocentric; A = acrocentric; T = telocentric; ? = dubious description.
Valid name | Cited as | 2n | SCS | Chromosomal morphology | Collection site | Bibliography |
Hysterochelifer meridianus (L. Koch, 1873) | ---- | 61 | X0 | ---- | France | Boissin & Manier, 1966 |