The Harvestmen Cytogenetic Database

Current version: 9.1 (Jan 31, 2023)

Nobuo Tsurusaki, Hana Svojanovská, Axel Schöenhofer and František Šťáhlavský
Sironidae Simon, 1879

Cited as = species name adopted by the researcher that performed the cytogenetic analysis; 2n = diploid number of males and in parenthesis, diploid number of females; M = metacentric; SM = submetacentric; ST = subtelocentric; A = acrocentric; T = telocentric; ? = dubious description.

Valid name Cited as 2n SCS Chromosomal morphology Collection site Bibliography
Cyphophthalmus duricorius Joseph, 1868 ---- 24 ---- 4M+8SM+6ST+6A Slovenia Svojanovská et al., 2016
Paramiopsalis aff. ramulosus Juberthie, 1962 ---- 28 ---- 6M+2SM+10ST+10A Spain Svojanovská et al., 2016
Parasiro coiffaiti Juberthie, 1956 ---- 30 ---- ---- France Tsurusaki, 2007
Siro carpaticus Rafalski, 1956 ---- 52 ---- 2M+2SM+14ST+34A Poland, Romania Svojanovská et al., 2016
Siro rubens Latreille, 1804 ---- 30 ---- 30A France Juberthie, 1956